Do you have the friendliest pup in the world? Does your pup like people but not other dogs? Do you have a pup who is still training, dealing with an injury or illness, or just in need of a little extra attention?
You came to the right place!

Walks & Drop-In House Visits
20 min.........................................$15*
30 min.........................................$20*
1 hour ..........................................$30*
*+$10 per each additional dog
*+$5 for cats and other pets
*If you would like a Drop-in visit for longer than an hour, everything after the first hour will be $15/hr and +$10 per each additional dog
*If the service includes feeding, it needs to be at least 30 min
*Holiday Fee* +$5 per walk on all Major Holidays
New Years Eve
New Years Day
Good Friday
Memorial Day
Fourth of July
Labor Day
Veterans Day
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
**Overnight Disclaimer
One of my biggest priorities in running my own business is being upfront and transparent.
I am a single pet parent and while I love to care for other people's pets and provide comfort and ease to as many pet parents as possible, I wouldn't feel comfortable sacrificing the care of my own fur baby.
That being said, my fur baby, Kendrick (whom you can read more about in the "About Me" section) will be present at all my Overnight services held in my home. Overnight services can be held at my place or your own, depending on whatever you are most comfortable with. I do require a meet and greet beforehand!

$10/hour for the first 3 hours
$6/hour for every hour after
*For each additional dog
*+$5/hour for the first 3 hours and
*+$3/hour for every hour after
+$5 added to the total for each cat
+$15 Holiday Fee
*Sitting prices are to be added to Overnight services ONLY
If you would like sitting services without Overnights, check out the Walks and Drop-in Visits
50% deposit required upon approval of service request
Pick Up and Drop Off

$15 each way
+$10 for each additional pet
Aquatic Physical Therpay
30 min session: $50
Only one pet per session

Hi! my name is Victoria, but you can also call me Vic. I am 25 years old and have had a love for animals for as long as I can remember. I started taking care of my neighbor's and friends' pets as young as 9 years old and continued to do so till I left for college at 18. I started fostering pups when I was 19 and fostered 12 dogs before finding my best friend, Kendrick! I have been working with dogs professionally ever since!